Saturday, November 14, 2009

Meeting Review (3rd November, 2009)


Role Players
ASA Aishah TM
Invocation Lakhmichand ATMB
TME Chandran CTM
TTM Rema Paul DTM
TTE Eileen CTM
GE Maureen ACB
AH Counter Dinesh TM
Grammarian Mary Barton ACB/CL
Timer Joan-Lynn TM

The theme of the meeting “Moving Forward” definitely reflected the beginning of the meeting. President Lourdes DTM started the meeting off by announcing the vacancy for the VPE’s post as our previous VPE Shanmugam CTM resigned due to work commitments. Lakmichand ATMB was elected to fill the post – a great choice, indeed!

The Invocation was done by our newly elected VPE who reflected on the changes one experiences as time goes by.

The TTM Rema Paul DTM spiced up the Table Topics session with her thought-provoking topics. Ranjit ATMB explained why “On a bad day, you are almost always never alone”. Dinesh TM asked us to “Remain calm, even when it seems hopeless”. Prem (guest) revealed his wild side in “Indulge in the things you truly love”. Not to be outdone, our other guest, Shoba, expressed her optimism in “Always try to see the glass half full”. Renu TM had us in stitches with her take on “Don’t be overly concerned with your weight, it’s only a number”. Huegesh TM, with his calm demeanor, went on with “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. There was no dearth (Word-of-the-day) of volunteers for the Table Topics session. Eileen CTM concluded the Table Topics session with her concise and crisp evaluation.

The second part of the meeting was no less exciting. There was a wide array of speeches, from an Icebreaker to an Advanced speech.

Joan-Lynn TM confidently delivered her maiden speech, “Joan wants to be heard”. Michelle CC evaluated her speech and pointed out some areas for improvement.

Ananthan TM inspired us with his 10th speech by urging us on with “You can do it”. Congrats on completing your CC, Ananthan. His evaluator, Sham Sunder CC, as always weaved his evaluation with humour, to not only inform but also to entertain us.

Ranjit ATMB was all business with his Public Relations speech, “Sell yourself”. He was ably evaluated by Lakhmichand ATMB.

The General Evaluator for the day, Maureen ACB, commented on the overall conduct of the meeting and offered some suggestions for improvement.

Our guest, Prem, was voted as the Best Table Topics speaker. The Best Speaker Award went to Ranjit ATMS and Best Evaluator was Lakhmichand ATMB.

Rema Paul DTM urged us on by displaying the beautiful plaque she received from Toastmasters International for achieving her Distinguished Toastmasters status. Congrats, Rema!

A great ending to a cool, rainy, wonderful evening.

Prepared by:
Toastmaster of the Evening, V Chandran CTM